Our Team programmes have been supporting their local communities

11 July 2018

The young people taking part in our Team programmes have been supporting their local communities across Suffolk and they’ve made such a difference!

One of the many parts of the Team Programme ran in partnership with the Prince’s Trust is for the young people involved to take part in a community project. The young people have to plan and complete a community project of their choice which will benefit the local community. The community project requires planning and fundraising with many Team’s deciding to restore community areas like parks and gardens to turn them into a more useable and pleasant environment.


Our Haverhill Team fundraised for their community project so they were then able to buy materials to help them with restoring an overgrown area beside The Burton Centre which is where the Hospice, Library and community café is located. The Team worked really hard to restore the over grown area by clearing, weeding, refurbing and planting new plants to bring the area to life again. They decided on this area as they felt like by restoring it, it would benefit the wider community who visit the café, library and hospice. The Team wanted to make the area a friendly place for the public and families, as well as a place for the St Nicholas Hospice staff, library staff and users.

Cameron, member of Inspire’s Haverhill Team programme says:

“One of my favourite parts of the Team programme has been the community project. It’s nice to do something for others and it feels really rewarding knowing that we are doing something good for the community. The community project has made me realise that I really like doing hands on work and it is something I could see myself doing in the future as a job”


Our Ipswich Team fundraised by doing a tombola in Ipswich Town Centre. For their community project they restored a garden at Causton Junior School in Felixstowe. The Team cleared an overgrown garden area which could no longer be used due to it conditions. They spent their time clearing, weeding and refurbing the garden so it can now be used again for the children of the junior school. The school hope to use the area as a relaxing space that the teachers can use as a break out space. Here’s some photos of them at work…


In Colchester, our Team programme decided to restore an overgrown area in Foxburrow Grange, an assisted living facility. The Team cleared an area that was full of weeds and turned it into a more useable and pleasant area by restoring the old benches, laying down bark and adding a pond into the garden. The residents of Foxburrow Grange are now able to use the area as a relaxing space. The team chose this as their community project as it now means that Foxburrow Grange has a positive and inviting environment for staff and residents.

16-25 and looking to build confidence and find your next step? Our Prince’s Trust Team programmes could be for you! We have Team programmes starting this September across Suffolk.