How to deal with exam result disappointment

12 August 2024

Exam Results day

Missing out on the grades you needed can be a very upsetting experience ­­– but it doesn’t have to be anything more than a temporary feeling. So while it’s okay to acknowledge your disappointment, it’s important to know that it’s something you can bounce back from, and put yourself on the right path to still achieve the future you like.

We’re here to give you all the tips you need to stay positive and focus on what your next step will be.

Admit how you feel
Sometimes it helps to name it and just acknowledge that we shouldn’t be happy all the time, and actually it’s natural to feel disappointed. It’s okay to feel upset if you know something’s happened and it’s not going your way. Talk about it to your loved ones, to people that you trust and care about, maybe to a counsellor, which can help provide some perspective.

Look at your next steps
If things haven’t worked out exactly how you want, there is always another path. Is there a bridging course you can do? Can you do your course at a different level? Are there any provisions to improve your grades? Would you prefer to do an apprenticeship?
Sit down with someone well versed in the next steps, such as one of our Personal Development Coaches, and go through all your options. There are always other options!

Stay positive
You might not get there straight away, but it’s important to stay positive. Focus on your strengths and what did go well, and most importantly remember that one set of results does not define who you are, and it doesn’t define your future.

Take care of yourself
Often in times of stress its easy to forget about our personal needs and we can get stuck in negative thoughts. Make sure you’re eating regularly and still doing things that keep you engaged, whether it’s going out for a run or spending time with friends.

Sleeping while studying for exams

Be kind to yourself
Everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks, unfortunately it’s part of life. So don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t achieve what you wanted. Instead, think how you would comfort a friend in the same situation. Chances are you wouldn’t be telling them they always mess up, or that they are completely useless, so you shouldn’t be directing that to yourself.

Ask for help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Here at Inspire we have a long list of services that can help you. To find out more visit our Youth Employment Services or our Team Programme.

(With thanks to Laura Andreas-Collins)